Sunday, November 7, 2010

from TwiSherry

Create your own video slideshow at

I hope you had a great special day yesterday. You know me...late for everything...but I hope it's worth it. Here's a few pictures that I put to music....JUST FOR YOU.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

from BittenBee

from JoVersify, ECullenitis

So, I tried to hire an Edward Cullen look-a-like to invite himself in to your house, with strict instructions that he "raid your refrigerator for OJ, and then shirtlessly & shamelessly drink it from the carton" while giving you a lap dance... but you'd be surprised at how fast those EC's book up! Jeez! Ridiculous, I tell ya. (Okay, I confess, I hired him, then gave him my address...hehe. What? I couldn't help myself! Psh, you didn't miss anything. He looked nothing like EC, and he drank all my orange Gatorade. The idiot.)

Sooo, it looks like I'll have to settle for giving you a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", a big virtual wet one (right on the lips) *smooch!*, and telling you how much you mean to me... to all of us.

Thank you, Kassiah, for helping to make and keep this fandom one of the greatest and most positive places to be. In a time when cyber-bullying and online dramatics run rampant and have a tendency to spread like wildfire and scare people off, your loyal and hardworking presence helps keep this fandom a fun and constructive place to spend our time. I have never known anything but kindness and love and optimism from you, and while I sat and thought about writing this to you, I realized what a truly rare quality you possess... boundless positivism. You're like straight, unfiltered sunshine, girl. Keep doing what you do. We so love and appreciate your hard work and awesome spirit. It's inspiring. It's infectious. And I love you for it! We all do!

♥ ♥ ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ♥ ♥ ♥

Much Love, Jo!
(JoVersify. ECullenitis)

from Lalina

My Dearest Kassiah,

You were one of my most faithful lovies when I first started in the fandom and I'll never forget your love and support! ILY 4 EVAH!


from Cullcati

from Bev aka belli486


You are the woman whose name I see almost everywhere I go in the Fandom. While your blood may be as orange as your favorite fruit, you definitely have a heart of GOLD. Best wishes and many happy returns of the Day!

aka belli486

from azucena

Faithful friend

The sun rises and she is already awake
The sun rises and she is already at bake
The sun rises and she is already at rake
As she never sleeps and she never stops
She is always nurturing at every stop
She is a faithful friend and a faithful lover
As she loves us as no other.
She listens to our woes and sorrows
And laughs with us at our morrows.
She is our friend, she is our lover, she is our mother
She is our nurturer, she is our Kassiah.
I love her, she is my friend and she is my mother *grin*
She has helped me like no other.

And now I need to take my Dr. Seus hat and stop rhyming J
Loves you Kassiah Happy Happy!

Happy Birthday Kassiah Copyright © 2009 Paper Girl is Designed by Ipietoon Sponsored by Online Business Journal